Monday, May 1, 2017

Dresden was a pleasant surprise. It's beautiful cathedrals and palaces are in great shape.
Palace of the King of Saxony in 1912 and currently the State house of the Free State of Saxony
Church of the Holy Trinity also called the Dresden Cathedral is Catholic
King's Garden?
Viking Astrild is the all white boat under the bridge
Bruhl Terrace
Jane photos the Bruhl Terrace and Dresden
We climbed the Bell Tower of the Church of the Holy Cross (Kreuzkirche) and FYI it's not called a Cathedral unless it's a Bishop's  home. That's the Frauenkirke in the distance on the right and the Hofkirke on the left with the Elbe behind.
Top of the bell tower of the Kreuzkirke
The back of the Catholic Hofkirche with the König Schloss (today it's the State House of the Free State of Saxony) on the right.

King Johann of Saxony
Opera House Theater
Entrance to the Palace of August the Strong from the garden passes under this crown
Leaving Dresden early there were villas on the bank of the Elbe River and many of them grow grapes.

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